Renowned as a good, hardy and prolific breed for crossing to produce high quality lambs, the Shropshire Sheep is a traditional breed with a dual purpose that excels in a wide range of farming systems. As well as producing high quality lambs, sheep can be used as a natural herbicide, in the cost-effective and eco-friendly management of plantations.
Whether you are growing fruit trees, managing a forestry plantation or growing Christmas trees, the Shropshire Sheep will help you to reduce labour, improve the quality of your produce and increase your profit margins. Shropshire Sheep are a quality, easy reared breed of sheep that allow you to produce two crops from one acre, whilst significantly reducing your labour input.
For anyone considering Shropshire Sheep as an enterprise or seeking quality rams for commercial breeding, we can provide expert advice and support as well as access to stock from our own flock or from Irelands other quality Shropshire Sheep producers.
The Blackstairs Flock is a member of the Shropshire Sheep Breeders’ Association, the oldest flock book society in the United Kingdom. The society works hard to promote the breed which has resulted in resurgence in numbers in recent years.
There are two Breed Society Coordinators based in Ireland who are able to help with enquiries about starting a flock and stock as well as the ongoing day to day help.
Eire- Pat Delaney: 053 913 9129
Northern Ireland- Barry Hodson: 01744 811124